Religion of Psychology; Enthronement of Self.
Satan was setting the stage for another spiritual awakening. One must never forget that he is the arch deceiver of the human race. His greatest ambition is to be worshipped by the offspring of Adam. Exposing the leading intellectuals of their time to the ancient philosophy, mythology and religions of the world, would be his ploy and strategy to formulate a mindset susceptible to a counterfeit spiritual revival. Few Christians realize what an ardent and zealous scholar Satan is of the Word of God. In it God reveals his plans through recorded prophecy. Through studying the Scriptures Satan can be ahead of the Church, who through prophecy must manifest in time, space and world history.
Is it not recorded that in the last days, God will pour out his Spirit on all flesh? Act 2:17 “And it shall be in the last days, says God, I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh. And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. What would His purpose be? Is it not to take the Gospel to all the nations of the world? Jesus Christ was born into the Jewish nation, as promised by God to Abraham. So Sigmund Freud, who started this new belief system was also a Jew. Hence he seeks a suitable Gentile, who travelled the world, same as Aleister Crowley, to take their gospel which is centred on man to the nations. Key elements in this religion would make it irresistible to most people. It promised;
- Sexual liberation and freedom of indulgence with no sense of sin,
- occult knowledge that would bring supernatural power
- unbridled indulgence in carnal pleasure allowing sensual exploration,
- universal brotherhood of man eliminating cultural and religious prejudice,
- it would unite mankind to set up and enthrone self .
Now that Jung was properly initiated and connected with his own “spirit guides” he no longer needed Freud. He could take what Freud began, and embellish his own theories and philosophy into a belief system more acceptable to his readers and followers. After all Jung parted company with Freud due to his obsessions with materialism and sex. Jung was more interested in developing his theories along the “unconscious” nature of psychology rather than following after Freud. Jung’s psychology and his religion were one and the same thing. He believed that the religious experience was a universal activity of man’s mind (pg 1 Psychology and Religion) On page 4 or P&R we find the following quote about religion according to Jung; “…a dynamic existence or effect, not caused by an arbitrary act of will. On the contrary, it seizes and controls the human subject, which is always rather its victim than its creator.”
He goes on to say that the purpose of religion is to serve as a substitute: “…replacing immediate experience by a choice of suitable symbols invested in a solidly organized dogma and ritual…people are effectively defended and shielded against immediate religious experience.” (p. 52-3, PR)
The dogma was not based on any absolute or external truth as far as Jung was concerned. His dogma developed along with the dream or experience. It had everything to do with unconscious material. Truth is irrelevant. All that matters are religious symbols within man expressing particular moral and /or mental attitudes. (pg 76 P&R).
Here comes the very deceptive part, this is what he was really driving at. Jung is out to set the imaginations of the human mind up as divine! This reflects back to what Satan promised Adam, if you disobey God you will become like him. Gen 3:4 And the serpent said to the woman, You shall not surely die, Gen 3:5 for God knows that in the day you eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as God, knowing good and evil.
He leads his followers directly into idolatry (worshipping and serving other gods) with these words; “…the gods in our time assemble in the lap of the ordinary individual and are as powerful and as awe-inspiring as ever,
in spite of their new disguise–the so-called psychical functions.” (p. 102, PR)
Look how cleverly he plays around with words to achieve his objective, namely to warn on the one side against materialistic atheism but at the same time marginalizing God to a figment of the imagination of man. “Since the throne of god could not be discovered among the galactic systems, the inference was that god had never existed. The second inevitable mistake is psychologism: if god is anything, he must be an illusion derived from certain motives, from fear, for instance, from will to power, or from repressed sexuality.” (p. 103, PR)
The end time Babylonian Empire was slowly but surely growing into the manifestation that Daniel saw in his vision . The second chapter of Daniel describes the four major kingdoms man would set up prior to the Kingdom of Christ coming on earth. The final kingdom is a mixture of many nations ruled by an iron infused government. The iron relates to the influence of the Roman Empire. This describes our post modern society that is not only still governed by elements of Roman law in our judiciaries. It also reveals what is hidden to common man, namely that a hidden government who consider themselves gods of an Olympian nature really control the world and its affairs. These people are referred to as The Club of Rome. Do not forget that the Emperor of Rome was worshipped as god.
Carl Jung (Part 3)
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